gavel.gif (3462 bytes) New HIPAA Privacy Regulations Telephone Seminar

Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association

New HIPAA Privacy Regulations  
Brand new Privacy Regulations dealing with medical records


Tuesday, April 22, 2003  
Friday, May 9, 2023

Phone Seminar

12:00�1:30 p.m.

No Substantive CLE Credits



Faculty: Timothy D. McNair, Esq.; John E. Quinn, Esq.; Clifford A. Rieders, Esq.
Faculty biographies

PaTLA Members: $99
Non-Members: $129

Click here to register

Seminar Materials

Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association Evaluation Form - Please print and fax to Jennifer DiMario at (215) 546-6451.


New HIPAA Privacy Regulations

April 22, 2023

12:00 p.m. � 1:30 p.m.



Please use the following scale to rate the faculty.  Please consider factors such as their knowledge of the subject matter, manner of presentation and general lecture content in selecting the appropriate score.


5 - Excellent   4 - Exceeded Expectations     3 - Met Expectations    

2 - Needs Improvement     1 - Failed to Meet Expectations


                                        _____  Timothy D. McNair, Esq

                                        _____  John E. Quinn, Esq.

                                        _____  Clifford A. Rieders, Esq.

Please provide your general comments about the teleconference: ....................................




What is your overall evaluation of the program as to:  


Overall Quality:                     5     4     3     2     1

Provided Useful Information:  5     4     3     2     1

Attendee Participation:           5     4     3     2     1


Audiobroadcast Comments:


Registering for the course was easy:                                                      yes     no

I received the instructions and phone number to call in a timely manner:   yes     no

I had access to the materials in a timely manner:                                     yes     no

I would participate in a PaTLA telephone seminar again:                          yes     no


Please provide any suggestions on how PaTLA can improve this process: ........................




Please provide us with additional topics you would like to discuss on PaTLA�s next


teleconference: .....................................................................................................................





Please fax evaluation to Jennifer DiMario, PaTLA:  215-546-5430. Thank You


Name (optional) ......................................................................................................................






Click here to register

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