gavel.gif (3462 bytes)    Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers

David L. Lutz, 
PaTLA President

   Over three decades ago, the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association was created to uphold and defend the American legal system, including trial by jury. In executing this mission, this Association proudly protects and enhances the rights of consumers, workers and other individuals. This Association fosters public awareness and understanding of the role of the trial lawyer in the administration of justice. It strives to improve the efficiency of the legal system, and provides information and training to assist all members in providing excellent service to their clients.

   PaTLA works every day in Harrisburg to preserve and protect clients’ rights. PaTLA’s strength in defending the rights of our clients – consumers, workers and other "real people" – in the legislature is well known. We work hard to keep the courthouse doors open so that the "little guy" can seek legal redress and make himself whole again. Without the power of this Association to support the rights of ordinary people who find themselves victims of others’ wrongdoing, such rights would quickly erode. Only the rich would be able to afford the opportunity to hold wrongdoers accountable.

    Also important to the public is PaTLA’s Amicus Curiae program. As Amicus Curiae ("friend of the court"), this Association files briefs in state and federal appellate courts to further defend the rights and priveleges of ordinary people.

   Only lawyers are eligible for membership in PaTLA, and the benefits of membership are numerous. PaTLA provides a wide array of services to its lawyer members – continuing education seminars, a newspaper and magazine, a biweekly case law reporter, fax and e-mail bulletins, interest groups, networking, an expert witness bank and many social functions.

   For more information, browse our entire website, see our benefits page or 2003 application.

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