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Membership in
The Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association

"PATLA’s strength lies in its ability to be both proactive and reactive, to actively pursue its vision for the future of trial lawyers and litigants, while being ever vigilant against the constant onslaught of those who would seek to strip away our clients’ rights."

David L. Lutz
Angino & Rovner, P.C.
PATLA President

Join PaTLA Today!

YES! Show me your 2003 on-line membership application.

You’ll become a part of a prestigious and respected organization dedicated to excellence in representing clients and in preserving the trial advocacy system in Pennsylvania. You’ll also benefit from…

  • Representation in Harrisburg through PATLA’s aggressive legislative program. As a measure of success in protecting the rights of your clients, Pennsylvania has been recognized as one of the toughest states for "tort reform" by the American Tort Reform Association.
  • FREE subscription to members-only publication, PaTLA news – you’ll stay ahead of the competition with the latest court decisions, legislative activity, case summaries, and more.
  • Briefs filed in the appellate courts through PATLA’s Amicus Curiae Committee. Copies of amicus briefs are also available to members at no charge!
  • LAWPAC, PATLA’s bi-partisan political action committee supports candidates who share your views.
  • Locating colleagues and referral sources with your copy of PATLA’s annual membership directory.
  • A substantially reduced subscription rate to the PATLA’s bi-weekly case reporter, the Personal Injury Reporter.
  • Access to a database of Plaintiff’s expert witnesses.
  • Practice-related discussions, newsletters, listservs, resources, and networking by joining special sections.
  • Special services provided by U.S.I. Colburn Insurance Services, I.C. System (debt collection), MBNA America Bank, West Group, and more!
  • And more!

Questions? Please e-mail [email protected]

YES! Show me your on-line membership application.


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PA Trial Lawyers Assoc.
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