Dissertations are an essential part of your academic journey. Every student who intends to fully explore the academic sector must write a minimum of two dissertations. However, to write a dissertation, you must first understand what it means and how to write it. Keep reading to learn the dissertation definition and the structure.

What is a dissertation?

A dissertation is a long, detailed piece of academic writing centered on original research. It is typically submitted as the final step in completing an undergraduate or Ph.D. program.

How to write a dissertation

Before you can write a dissertation, you must first understand the structure of dissertation writing. The arrangement of the research content is referred to as a dissertation structure. It is divided into sections that are further divided into chapters and paragraphs. This is critical to the flow of the thought process in a research paper and helps the reader navigate the ideas and pages properly.

Dissertation structure differs for different academic fields, so ensure to check with your department to see what type of dissertation template is accepted.

Main parts of a dissertation

Each section of the dissertation has something important to say. When writing the thesis structure, you must include all elements correctly. The following are essential parts of a dissertation structure:

Title page

The first page of the dissertation must include your name and the name(s) of your supervisor, as well as the title, date, and a special statement.


The common sentence that explains copyright is also used in this section. The author must ensure that all borrowed ideas are referenced and that a proper list of references is created. Furthermore, you must state that you have permission to use all illustrations, images, statistics, and facts.


This is a brief paragraph that summarizes your thesis. Your institution and department usually determine its length. In general, the abstract should provide readers with an understanding of your primary points of interest.


This is a brief section dedicated to saying ‘thank you to everyone who assisted you in writing your dissertation. You can mention anyone and everyone, as long as they contributed.

Table of contents

In the table of contents, list all of your chapters, subheadings, and their page numbers. The thesis contents page provides the reader with a quick overview of your structure and aids in data navigation.

Chapters of a dissertation

The body of a dissertation is usually written in seven chapters, with every chapter explaining the process used to carry out the dissertation research and data collation. The chapters must also be properly structured in the format explained below:

· Chapter 1: Introduction

You must briefly explain your outline, including the aims and objectives of your dissertation and why you chose your specific topic.

· Chapter 2: Literature review

In this section, you present a central overview of the depth and composition of the current literature, which validates your topic.

· Chapter 3: Requirements and analysis

You must create this section with greater detail. The primary objective is to divide your problem into sections so that you can investigate it in stages. Remember that the analysis will constitute one of the most important aspects of the dissertation structure.

· Chapter 4: Design

This section must describe the design method that has been initiated. Furthermore, this should decide on the right items to be used in the analysis section and create a design.

· Chapter 5: Testing and implementation

This section demonstrates the actual potential of your research. Testing specifics vary according to the type of paper (practical or theoretical).

· Chapter 6: Results and discussion

This section will include your findings, current success, and plans for additional follow-up research work, if necessary.

· Chapter 7: Conclusions

This chapter is typically 2-3 pages long and includes a summary of the entire research and recommendations if necessary.


Each borrowed idea and citation should be referenced there in the appropriate reference format (APA, MLA, etc.).


Although this is not an obvious part of the literature, dissertations appear more proficient with additional materials. You can use infographics to create a visually appealing presentation of your research.

Helpful dissertation writing tips you should know

  1. Always seek guidance from your supervisor when necessary.
  2. Proofread and edit the document for grammatical errors.
  3. When writing a dissertation, be concise and clear.
  4. Make certain that the dissertation structure specifications for your field are strictly followed. Font and paper size are examples of specifications.
  5. Abbreviations are part of the dissertation structure. Include a list of all abbreviated words used in the dissertation.
  6. A glossary of highly specialized terms should be alphabetically listed and explained with a brief description or definition.


Dissertations are a pivotal and essential part of your academic journey. Before writing one, ensure you understand the basics of a dissertation and conduct in-depth research on the requirements. You can also use the tips provided to aid your writing process.