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Available June 30, 2023

326 pages, tabbed practice binder; PaTLA Pub. #295-2003; dimensions (in inches): 7.5 x 10 x 2
All new publication - for plaintiffs' and defense lawyers! 
Pennsylvania Premises Liability: Law & Forms
with Bonus CD
by Greecher | Kline | Rubenstein | Bugay | Feldman | McAnney | Pereira
Foreword by Lee C. Swartz 

Authoritative treatise for plaintiffs� and defense lawyers. Thoroughly covers case law holdings in common and not-so-common premises cases. Chapters on Status of the Plaintiff, Snow & Ice Cases, Sovereign & Governmental Immunity, Civil Prosecution for Criminal Harm, Elevators & Escalators, Defending Premises Cases, and The Need for Experts. High-quality forms. More than 180 pages of complaints, interrogatories, requests, jury instructions, letters, check lists and more. 

Bonus CD. Fully searchable text and all forms. Copy and paste text of forms into your word processing documents. 

Features and benefits: Seven chapter book. Plaintiff�s and defense perspectives. Addresses law on joint and several liability, on/of property distinction, suits against commonwealth & political subdivisions, practice tips from experts.

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Premises Liability: law & Forms with Bonus CD-ROM

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     Book  (295-2003) 
ISBN 0-9711655-6-4

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