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Available May 1, 2023

340 pages, tabbed practice binder; PaTLA Pub. #294-2003; dimensions (in inches): 11.25 x 11.25 x 3
All new Edition! Pennsylvania Civil Trials Law, Tactics & Forms
with Bonus CD-ROM
by Thomas L. Cooper, Esq.

Covers every aspect of trial litigation. 229 pages of revised expert commentary that�s fully annotated. Hundreds of practical tips from initial client interview to closing argument. More than 100 pages of high-quality forms including check lists, interrogatories, requests, and more.

Bonus CD-ROM. Fully searchable text and all forms. Copy and paste text of forms into your word processing documents.

Written by Thomas L. Cooper. A masterly litigator with 40 years of trial experience and a teacher of trial advocacy at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law since 1986.

Features and benefits
� 11-chapter book including new chapter on Expert Testimony and its admissibility in Pennsylvania state and federal courts.
� All-new forms�Instructions to clients, preparing for a deposition, and getting ready for trial; check lists for auto, products, and med-mal cases; new laws and regulations.
� Material is organized the way trial lawyers look up issues.

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Civil Trials Law, Tactics & Forms with Bonus CD-ROM

Pennsylvania Civil Trials: Law, Tactics & Forms by Cooper

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ISBN 0-9711655-7-2

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