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Radio spot on doctors' rally airs in Philadelphia

The Pennsylvania Medical Society ran the following radio advertisement in Philadelphia during the week of April 16. The ad was in preparation for Pennsylvania doctors rallying to legislators about malpractice insurance rates. The rally was held in Harrisburg on April 24.

Transcript of Pennsylvania Medical Society advertisement:

"Whether you’re getting over the flu or recovering from major surgery, the Pennsylvania Medical Society wants you to know that your doctor’s there for you. But on April 24, while they’d rather be providing care to you, many doctors will find themselves dealing with political issues in Harrisburg. Since 1997, Pennsylvania’s lost nearly 11 percent of its doctors. What’s causing this alarming crisis? Pennsylvania’s out of control liability system. Lawsuits with no merit and runaway awards are robbing you of care, as doctors in record numbers retire early, leave the state, or give up high-risk cases, like delivering babies. That’s why it’s so important for doctors to visit their legislators in Harrisburg April 24. The Pennsylvania Medical Society realizes that thousands of patients may not get an appointment with their doctors on April 24. Help them preserve the relationship you have with your doctor. Save Pennsylvania medicine. Call the Capital at 717-787-2121 and ask to talk to your elected officials. 717-787-2121"

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