gavel.gif (3462 bytes) 2001 PaTLA Convention

PaTLA's Annual Convention was held this year at the Hotel Hershey in Hershey, Pa.  Below are pictures from this year's big event.
Cliff Rieders poses with a likeness of himself at the Cocktail Party before the Awards Dinner. Mitchell Clair of Philadelphia with his wife Ruta and children (from left) Alyssa, Joshua and Cassie.


Texas trial lawyer Howard Nations discusses the Psychology of Persuasion at a PaTLA CLE seminar.



Howard and Linda Messer of Pittsburgh at the Coctail Party prior to the Awards Dinner.

PaTLA member and ATLA governor Jamie Sheller of Philadelphia and son Dane Greisinger at the President's Party.

John Quinn of Pittsburgh with Michelle Hutterer at the Coctail Party.


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