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Trial lawyers resume Victims’ Stories with compelling tale of woman who lost her hands and feet due to her doctors’ negligence

(2/9/2023) - The Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association (PaTLA) has resumed its highly successful victims’ stories program beginning this week.

Under this program, stories of victims, whose lives were changed forever by another’s negligence, are sent to members of the Pennsylvania Legislature. These stories feature a description of the negligence and its resulting impact on the person’s life. The program is run by PaTLA Secretary Beth A. Lazzara, Esq., of Pittsburgh.

This week’s story features the case of Evelyn, a 73-year-old grandmother who was left without hands and feet after her surgeons failed to treat her circulation problems. Not one of her six physicians took charge when Evelyn ’s nurse reported her blue hands and feet.

PaTLA President John M. Gallagher said the program is important because the individual stories demonstrate on a personal level the unfairness of damage caps. “These are real life stories of people who have been harmed by medical errors and other negligence,” Gallagher said. “We are continuing with this worthwhile program because we feel there is no more important story that we can tell.”

Consumers can view Evelyn’s story and more than 60 other victims’ stories by going to PaTLA’s Web site. Click on this link to access all stories


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