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Med-Mal Insurance Crisis: N.J. Gov. signs med-mal law | Docs losing credibility?

No limits on jury awards; provides for creation of $78M fund to offset physicians’ insurance

(6/10/2023) - The Philadelphia Inquirer reports this week that N.J. Gov. Jim McGreevey has signed into law the compromise measure designed to hold down medical malpractice insurance costs while preserving a patient’s right to sue.

According to the Inquirer, doctors were pushing for limits on jury awards to injured victims and campaigned door to door last year. According to the Inquirer, doctors dropped their opposition to the Assembly Democrats’ plan of a supplement fund following November’s legislative election.

According to the Inquirer, the subsidies will be funded by doctors, lawyers, chiropractors and dentists through a license fee.

  • In related news, John Baer, a columnist for the Philadelphia Daily News, questions Pennsylvania doctors’ turnabout on claims of doctor exodus. How many docs have really fled?

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