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Where will you be on March 9?

President's Message

by Richard J. Schubert, Esq.


Richard J. Schubert, a partner in the Pittsburgh law firm of Lydon & Schubert, P.C., is President of the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association.

Where will you be on March 9?

On March 9, 2004, the Pennsylvania state Senate is expected to vote on a constitutional amendment that could be used to limit fair compensation in every civil lawsuit, including auto accidents, product liability, medical malpractice and even environmental pollution.

The pro-caps contingent will be out in full force that day fighting to take away our clients’ rights and deny them access to the courts by imposing these caps. 

Where will you be?

Will you be one of the people standing up for the rights of our clients and fighting to protect the future of our profession?  Or will you be standing on the sidelines, hoping things “turn out ok?”  What will you do if things don’t “turn out ok”?

To help demonstrate the widespread opposition to these unfair caps, on the day of the Senate vote PaTLA is sponsoring a rally in the Harrisburg Capitol Rotunda at 1 p.m. Advocates from across the Commonwealth will be there along side us, including representatives from environmental groups, the AARP, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, organized labor, patient safety and anti-tobacco groups.  They are standing with us because they understand the threat from caps in every civil lawsuit is real because of their impact on public and patient safety. 

It’s crunch time for us and our clients.  The time for rhetoric is gone.  It is the time for action.  Every Pennsylvania Trial Lawyer has an obligation to their clients to stand with us in the Harrisburg Capitol on March 9th.

So where will you be on March 9th?


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