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PENNDOT ordered to turn over pre-existing incident report numbers

(2/3/2023) -- Judge Van Horn in Franklin County has ordered PENNDOT to turn over the incident report numbers for prior accidents at an intersection. In Black v. PENNDOT there was a fatal accident at an intersetction where 11 prior accidents had occurred. PENNDOT refused to turn over the prior accident and incident report numbers and filed an objection citing several priviliges and opinions (among them a recent decision from Indiana County). The Blacks filed a motion to dimiss the objection. Judge Van Horn grants the motion to dismiss the objection and orders PENNDOT to turn over the incident report numbers within 14 days.

Click on the related file link to view, print or download this opinion.

Special thanks to Lead counsel on the case for the Black's, PATLA member Amy L. Coryer-Host who provided the opinion. Co-counsel is Scott B. Cooper.


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