About Committees

PaTLA members can get involved by joining one of the association's committees. All PaTLA members are welcome to join and we especially encourage new members not currently active.

By participating in a committee you not only advance PaTLA's goals, but you have the opportunity to meet and interact with lawyers from across the state who share your interests.

Note that some committees are appointed by the President.

To review your current set of committees click here.

To join a committee email [email protected] or call the PaTLA offices at (215) 546.6451 ext 103.

More about PaTLA Committees:

Title - Description

Diversity Committee - This committee provides a forum for issues which affect minorities, to see to it that all such issues are brought to the attention of the Board of Governors, and that appropriate actions consistent with the objectives of this Association are taken.

Amicus Curiae Committee -  Reviews cases on appeal for possible amicus curiae involvement by filing briefs in the appellate courts.

Budget & Finance Committee - Proposes an annual budget for the Association.

Commercial Litigation Committee - Provides members with a forum on commercial litigation issues.

Constitution/By-Laws Committee - THas jurisdiction over matters that relate to the maintenance and revision of the Constitution and By-Laws of this Association.

Convention Committee - Plans the association's annual convention.

Education Committee - Develops continuing legal education programs for the Association.

Election Oversight Committee - Resolves questions or disputes concerning the election of the Board of Governors or Officers. Chair and Committe appointed upon need.

Executive Committee - Makes decisions for the Association between Board meetings.

Fund Development Committee - LAWPAC is a registered bipartisan political action trust, established by PaTLA. LAWPAC supports candidates in statewide elections who believe in the advocacy system, trial by jury, and tort recovery.

Judicial Relations Committee - Serves as liaison between the Association and the federal and state courts of Pennsylvania.

Legislative Policy Committee - Has jurisdiction over all matters which relate to the Pennsylvania Legislature. The Committee has the power to act on legislative matters between meetings of the Board of Governors.

Long Range Planning Committee - Helps define PaTLA's mission and objectives beyond the next year, and to formulate a workable action plan.

Membership Committee - Maintains the membership of the Association, solicits new members, and recommends the formation of new classes of membership.

New Lawyer Anti-Smoking Trials Committee - This subcommittee of the New Lawyer Section was formed to manage the anti-smoking mock trials with the American Heart Association.

Nominating Committee - Recommends nominees for the office of Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, LAWPAC Trustees, State Delegates and Governors for ATLA. 

Publications Committee - Oversees all matters concerning PaTLA's publications.

Women's Committee - Provides a forum for the discussion of issues of interest to women trial lawyers.

