Appellate courts announce ‘one-stop shop’ for court med-mal info

(8/12/2022) -- Chief Justice of Pennsylvania Ralph J. Cappy announced on July 28 that state court rules, court-generated statistics and related information regarding medical malpractice litigation are now located on the state Judiciary Web site:

"Our intent in creating this Web site is to establish a 'one-stop shop' for access to med mal information available from the Judiciary," Chief Justice Cappy said in a press statement. "While the Judicial Branch is but one participant among many in the ongoing med mal discussions, we thought it might be helpful to place in a widely-accessible public venue all the information about the Supreme Court's actions in this area."

Contained on the site are the med mal rules recently promulgated by the Supreme Court which established the following:

Also available on this site are statistics gathered by the Supreme Court's Administrative Office for years 2000-2003 including:

As additional statistics are generated in these and other areas, the web site will be updated with this new information, as well as rules changes and other pertinent information.

The site also provides links to other Pennsylvania sites and recent legislation with respect to medical malpractice issues. Visitors can access the page through a direct link at the top of the Judiciary's Web site.

"It is important to note that this effort to disseminate public information does not suggest, either explicitly or implicitly, any specific position by the state Judiciary with respect to med mal litigation issues currently in public debate," Chief Justice Cappy noted.

