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PaTLA: fostering public awareness and understanding of the role of the trial lawyer in the administration of justice.

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Help PaTLA by recruiting more Members

You're a PaTLA member.  You contribute to LAWPAC.  You support our fundraising efforts, visit your legislators, educate your clients and respond to the media.

How else can you make a difference?  

You can also spend a few hours of your time spreading the word about PaTLA.  There is strength in numbers.  By recruiting more PaTLA members, you'll ensure the vitality of the most effective mechanism for protecting your clients’ rights.

Please check our Calendar for a drive in your county.

Drives are held in the offices of our Membership Captains in these counties:  Allegheny, Dauphin, Erie, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Montgomery, Philadelphia (at the PaTLA office).  You provide a few hours of your time -- we provide the names of local potential members and some refreshments to keep you going.

To volunteer for a local drive:  
       Email [email protected] 
       Call PaTLA at (215)546-6451 
       Or register online at our Calendar

Your help will go a long way toward strengthening the important voice of PaTLA.  Thank you!

PaTLA 121 South Broad Street, Suite 600 Philadelphia, PA, 19107
Tel   215.546.6451 Fax  215.546.5430
Copyright © 2004, PaTLA All Rights Reserved